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I absolutely love diving into data! Actively working on projects and tackling data challenges keeps me on my toes. Collaborating with peers is not just about learning together but also getting real, quality feedback that helps me grow. It's this hands-on approach that makes the world of data so exciting for me. Take a look at some of my projects to see this passion in action.


Hans Rosling's Bubble Chart Recreation (Power BI)

This report represents a recreated version of Hans Rosling's Bubble Chart, developed using Power BI. The report features the flexibility to switch between light and dark themes. It is a contribution to the SWD Monthly Data Challenge. For further exploration and detailed information, feel free to access the interactive report available here.

Mavern Churn Analysis Challenge

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As part of my work, this report contributes to the Maven Analysis Churn Challenge, with a focus on identifying key characteristics leading to higher churn rates, along with recommendations to reduce churn rates. I utilized Power BI for in-depth analysis and Canva for reporting purposes.

Covid Tracker

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This report is a COVID tracker created using Tableau. The main focus of this report is to present essential data through impactful graphs, aiming to deliver a meaningful and insightful experience for the audience.

Nightingale's Rose Diagram Recreation (MS Excel)

This graph recreates Florence Nightingale's rose diagram using Microsoft Excel. While there are modern alternatives for representing the same data, this remains one of the most famous historic graphs to recreate, and I thoroughly enjoyed doing so.

Covid 19 - Impact : World Government Summit Data Visualization Challenge (Power BI Interactive)

While outlining the impact of COVID-19 across various categories, I attempted to emphasize the widespread use of slicers in Power BI and provide detailed descriptions based on slicer selections. Another key focus is on utilizing positive and negative bar values with the slicer to include or exclude data from 2019, thereby highlighting the impact of COVID-19 during that period.

Incremental Reach Analysis (MS Excel)

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Incremental reach analysis for different categories over the weeks. The chart has been created using Excel. This is a collaborative work for the SWD Data Challenge.

Actual vs Forecast (MS Excel)

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Emphasizing actual versus target values is one of the key metrics in any business. This work aims to highlight the disparity between actual and forecast values, instantly capturing user attention.

See the Story: Dynamic Data Charts  (Power BI)

Personally, I believe capturing users' attention at first sight is crucial. The goal of this work is to use visuals that provide insights without the need for a deep dive into the data. For further exploration, additional details have been added on the next page.

Using the right type of chart : Area vs Stacked Column Chart (MS Excel)

Choosing the right type of graph is crucial for ensuring that the intended message resonates with the target audience. In this project, the objective is to discern the most suitable chart type, particularly when dealing with diverse categories evolving over time. The utilization of an area chart proves more elucidating in conveying the intended message compared to a stacked column chart, as the latter may not comprehensively articulate the entire narrative to users.

Combo Charts (Power BI Interactive)

Combo charts efficiently communicate data from various multiples. In this Power BI dashboard, a butterfly chart is seamlessly combined with a data table placed at the bottom. To achieve this, Matrix tables were employed, addressing the challenge of integrating a data table in Power BI.

Hitting/Missing the Target (MS Excel)

Within organizational contexts, the routine evaluation of target attainment is a ubiquitous practice. This graph aims to present crucial data with a nuanced approach, illustrating both successful target achievements and instances where goals were not met.

Insight Marks: Chart Annotation (MS Excel)

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This project underscores the pivotal role of chart annotation, ensuring clarity for users and averting potential misconceptions in data interpretation.

Profit & Sales Analysis (Power BI Interactive)

This report underscores the prevalent use of diverse key metrics to gauge product success. While single-page reports are visually appealing, they often lack depth in data presentation. Consequently, the adoption of multi-page reports has become prevalent. This report specifically focuses on profit and sales analyses across various product categories, providing comprehensive insights.

World Happiness Report 2021 (Power BI Interactive)

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This is one of my first projects in data visualization, sparking my interest to explore more. Using Tableau, I created the report, gaining insights and deepening my passion for effective data visualization.

Holiday Memories SWD Challenge (Power BI)

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This is a fun data visualization challenge that lets me play around and explore different aspects using Power BI. I've taken my holiday data from the last 10 years and am creating visually interesting displays in various ways.

Parental Leave Analysis  (Canva & MS Excel)

This project holds a special place among my favorites. The report focuses on parental leave analysis in various organizations, and I aimed to provide a different perspective by implementing a newspaper layout with both dark and light themes.

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